What differentiates Jack and Jill from other charities is that ours is an ongoing care commitment to families of up to 6 years, as Jack and Jill nurses become a key part of the family’s care regime in their child’s early years from birth to six years of age, or until they pass away.  This requires significant investment and care capital from the charity, as Jack and Jill provides the funding as well as the expertise to families we support.   

Jack and Jill funds and delivers up to 80 hours per month through a donation in the child’s name direct to the family, with €18 supporting 1 hour of home nursing care.  We have no waiting list, no means test and the care regime is bespoke and designed around the child and family’s requirements. 

Today the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation is funding and delivering in-home respite to over 400 children, across the country, more children than we’ve ever had under our care in 25 years.  Our vision is that all families with children who need our care can access us.